Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Challenges Hospital Management In Nepal
Challenges Hospital Management In Nepal The WHO defines health as A complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence or disorder (WHO, 1948). It means that complete state of wellbeing is health and hospitals one of the major tool for promotion of health. WHO in 2010 has addressed the role and importance of hospital management for a quality health (WHO, 2010). There is no internationally accepted clear definition for hospital. There are several types of hospitals based on the facilities, equipments and services, i.e. district hospitals, provincial hospitals, speciality hospitals and referral hospitals, teaching University hospitals and other types of health care facilities. There is no international standard defining what should be the minimum services that each hospital should provide during a health crisis. Each country has to develop a national policy and technical guidelines to deal with a health crisis. Before defining the essential services, the ministry of health has to define the essential health services that the health sector will provide to the community in order to identify what more specific services will be delivered by hospitals (WHO, 2009). Management is defined as the organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of defined objectives. Management is included as a factor of production along with machines, materials and money. Renowned guru of management Peter Drucker (19909-2005) has said that the basic task of management is two fold: marketing and innovation. Practice of modern management owes its origin to the 16th century enquiry into low efficiency and failures of certain enterprises, conducted by the English statesman Sir. Thomas Moore (1478-1535). As a discipline, management consists of the interlocking services of formulating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling and directing an organizations resources to achieve the policies objectives (Walden University, 2011).Hospital managenmnet.net suggests that Hospital Management provides a direct link between healthcare facilities and those supplying the services they need ( Hospit al management.net 2011) . WHO in 2009 suggests understanding by hospital management as an effective and combined management of, the following factors:- (a) Acute care for emergency patients; (b) Out Patient Department (OPD) activities; (c) Investigation (laboratory; X-ray; other diagnostic elements); (d) Referral for primary health care (PHC); specialized consultations or services; (e) Contribution to public health programmes; (f) Part of health information system (surveillance system, including a EWS Component); (g) Public information and education; and (h) Preparedness for health crisis management. Nepal is a landlocked country which is mostly covered by hills and mountains and it has a population of 25.8 million as estimated in 2006. It is in the south Asian continent, north to India and south to China. Its area is 147,181 sq. km (WHO, 2007). It has been facing several challenges to establish a functional health management system (Thapa, 2010). This proposal deals with the challenges which Nepali health system is facing at present and suggests the possible ways for its improvement. Statement of the problem Nepals health system is in transition. Nepal is an underdeveloped country where most of the geographical part (85%) is covered by mountains and hills. India is in the south and China is in the northern part of the landlocked country. The southern boarder is open where the northern part is separated by the high mountains called Himalayas. The health indicators are very poor. The health service facility is not adequate to Nepali people. So the hospitals are (Dixit, 2005). Nepals hospital bed per ten thousand populations is 4.26 (2001/02), physician per ten thousand populations is 2 and Nurses per ten thousand population is also 2 as per the data of 2004 Similarly, Total Expenditure on Health (THE) as % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 5.3% and Public Expenditure on Health (PHE) as % of Total Expenditure on Health (THE) is 28 while Private Expenditure on Health (PvtHE) as % of Total Expenditure on Health (THE) 72(WHO, 2007). If it is compared with the other developing countries in the sa me region i.e. south east Asian region, the level of the problem may be perceived. Maldives, a small tiny country with population 298 thousand has Total Expenditure on Health (THE) as % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 6.2. Maldives Public Expenditure on Health (PHE) as % of Total Expenditure on Health (THE) is 89 as compared with 28 of Nepal. Private Expenditure on Health (PvtHE) as % of Total Expenditure on Health (THE) in Maldives is 11. It shows that the state has better involvement in Maldives than in Nepal. More over, the population per hospital bed is 381, which are 26.2 hospital beds per 10000 populations. Similarly, number of populations per physician 959 and nurses per 10000 populations are 33 (WHO, 2007). It clearly shows the scenario of health development of Nepal. As part of health, curative health services have a major role in providing quality health service to the people. Until the health care provider organizations are strong, the curative health service can not be delivered to the beneficiaries properly (Edelman and Mandle 2006). Hospitals are the key component of health care delivery system and they needs to be reformed to ensure a quality health care system (McKay and Healy, 2000).Unfortunately the hospitals in Nepal have very poor in quality management and they are not able to deliver quality health services to the people (Dixit, 2005). To address the needs and requirement of the hospital, the government of Nepal ( GON), Ministry of Health and Population ( MOHP) has published The guideline on the establishment, Operation policy and standard and infrastructure for Private and Public Health Hospitals in 2004 ( MOHP,2004). But it is still lacking in the formulation of the standard for the hospitals run by the government (Dixit, 2005). However, the policy published by the MOHP tries to clarify on the basic parameters of the infrastructures required for the hospitals which may be applied for the general hospitals as well. But the document does not speak about the application in the government run hospitals (MOHP, 2004). That is why; there is a lack of clear cut guideline for the management of hospital. Nepals health sector is facing a challenge regarding the management (Dixit, 2005). As part of whole system of health in Nepal, management of the hospitals is also a sever challenge for the country. 1.2 Summary of the problem Nepal has set a target to achieve the millennium Development goals by 2015. It has to meet the target in all health indicators. Goal no 3 and 4 are c loosely related with health and as part of curative health, hospital and hospital management have crucial role in health promotion. In Nepalese context, hospital management skill and concept of hospital management is still beyond the priority of the government and the government still does not have any policy guidelines over the hospital management sector (Dixit, 2005). People skill is a key asset for the development of key management styles. Dealing the people is a professional skill in itself. Being able to see from the perspective of others is essential, and caring for their welfare is also of prime importance. There are many high-profile examples of how to develop a successful management style. Managers like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have famously developed their own distinctive management style from which others can learn. However, the fact that the two examples are very different management styles shows that there is no single route to success (Bono and Hellers, 2009). But unfortunately, there are no clear guidelines or policy found in the government documents. The recent document on the guideline on the requirement of a hospital, government does not speak about the hospital management, its skill development and transfer for the improvement of a hospital (MOHP, 2004). Lack of professional skill in the person responsible to manage the hospitals has created a problem in hospital management. The government run or supervised hospitals still do not have positions for the hospitals. MOHP in its policy document has not mentioned anything about the hospital managers (MOHP,2004). However, the private hospitals have started hiring them which is still out of the government policy (Thapa, 2010). Nepal is an underdeveloped country where the literacy rate is only 62.7% for male and 34.9% for female as per the report of census 2001 (CBS, 2001). It means still 64.1% women are out of literacy coverage. Nepal has poor health facilities all over the country except in capital Kathmandu and other urban areas. Most of the doctors are not willing to go to the rural areas hospitals and they are often running without (qualified) doctors (Dixit, 2005). In conclusion, the poor socio-economic conditions, hard geographical conditions and lack of awareness of the people and traditional beliefs and superstitions, lack of will in the political parties and their leaders are the main burning issues for the improvement of health sector in Nepal (Chaulagain, 2004). These all are problems associated with the hospitals and ultimately with their management. The factors associated to hospital management are still not uncovered in Nepal (Thapa, 2010). So, it Purpose of the study As mentioned above, it has been obvious that Nepal is facing the problems to strengthen the management of the health sector. The documents are not found to have been lacking regarding the strategies and policies on the health management. So, the proposal aims to identify the hindering factors affecting the hospital management in Nepal. It will study the existing policies and strategies of the government of Nepal on hospital management, international principles, theories and practices on hospital management and identify the factors which are affecting the betterment for hospital management sector of Nepal. So, the purpose of the study is to identify the hindering factors of hospital management in the case of Nepal and suggest the concerning authorities about improving the hospital management system, formulating the policies and implementing them. This proposal will analyse the strength and limitations of the hospital management system in Nepal and help all the concerned to mitigate and minimize them. Main research question The study can not answer all questions that come on surface while studying about the issue. So, to narrow down the study area and sharpen the focus, the study has defined the main study questions as follows:- What are the hindering factors that effect the hospital management in Nepal? Subsidiary Questions To supplement the main research question, these questions are defined as subsidiary questions as follows:- What will be the appropriate modality or best practices of hospital management that are applied in the world by other countries and What are the factors that are hindering in the betterment in the hospital management in Nepal? What is the most influential factor to promote the hospital management in Nepal? Hypothesis Lindsen and Jong (2005) have defined hypothesis as an alternative explanation of residual switch trial costs or, more precisely, of the empirical finding that the repetition trial (RT) distribution for switch trials with a long preparation intervals can be modelled as a mixture of the RT distributions for repetition trials and for switch trials with a short preparation interval (Lindsen and Jong, 2010). In here, the hypothesis tries to establish an alternative factor that might be supposed to be the commonest hindering factor for the management of hospitals in Nepal. The hypothesis taken here is the lack of professionalization of hospital managers or the persons who are involved in the management of either government run or private or community run hospitals in Nepal is the most influential limiting factors in hospitals in Nepal. Significance of Study As mentioned above there are no special policies and practices established for hospital management in Nepal. The hospitals are managed by the medical doctors or surgeons so far (MOHP, 2004). The doctors are not entitled to diagnose the patients, treat them, run medical and surgical and public health cams campaigns in the hospitals or in the periphery of the hospitals. The Medical council is liable to assign the job responsibilities of the doctors in the case of Nepal. But it has not mentioned about the management part of the hospital and its regulation, Nepal Medical Council Act, 1964 (amended in 2001).It does not speak who is responsible for that (Nepal Medical Council, NMC, 2001). There is no one professionally responsible for the hospital management in the present context. In the country where the government policy about the medical sector does not speak about the role of hospital management, it becomes obvious that the hospital management sector is not running smoothly. No presen ce of the monitoring body to supervise and evaluate the hospital management is found in the present documents whether published by the government or private organizations. So, the studies significance is in establishing the fact what are the main barrier and other minor barriers in the hospital management of Nepal. That is why this study is has a significance value. Literature Review 2.1 Concept of Hospital Management Hospital management provides a direct link between health care facilities and those supplying the service they need. This enhances the capacity of deciding and managing hospitals and health care centres and all other health care providers and other health care industries (Hospital management.net, 2011). The discipline hospital management is found to be conceptualised from the WHO Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986. It was introduced in the name of Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) in the beginning since hospital was regarded a mean of health promotion. So, this concept is only 25 years old and newer to other disciplines. The Ottawa Charter recognised five areas of hospital management i.e. health promoting hospital setting, health promoting workplaces, the provision of health related services, training, education and research. It has identified the hospital sector as the change agent and advocate for health promotion (WHO, 2011). From the declaration of WHO, it becomes obvious that hospital is not only a place of treating the patients, but also a place where the activities for health promotion are run, all heath services are provided, trainings are conducted, education is given and researches are carried out. It rules out the understanding of the government on hospitals. Th e Bir Hospital, which is one of the units or part of the Ministry of Health and Population and the biggest government run hospital (MOHP) of Nepal has defined Bir Hospital only as a treatment and diagnosis service centre. In this definition, the other four parts defined by the Ottawa Charter are missing. However, it adds something in its website as its activities. According to it, Bir Hospital offers training to the students through its Post Graduate programme of its Medicine School (Bir Hospital, 2008). It clearly shows that the government of Nepal has some how realised the integrated approach of the hospitals, but not mentioned in its policy or strategy. There seems a gap between the Ottawa Charter and the understanding of the Government of Nepal in terms of its concept. National Health Service (NHS) of the UK has presented a model of its Week Hospital in its journal. It says that it has developed and validated an innovative integer programming model, based on clinical resources allocation and beds utilization. According to NHS, the model aims at scheduling Week Hospital patients admission/discharge, possibly reducing the length of stay on the basis of an available timetable of clinical services. The performance of the model has been evaluated, in terms of efficiency and robustness, by considering real data coming from a Week Hospital Rheumatology Division. The experimental results have been satisfactory and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach (NHS, 2011). We can see the factors that contribute in hospital management by this example mentioned above. The hospital management has become an emerging field in India, the neighbouring of Nepal and a developing country in the south Asian sub-continent. India education in its home page of its website says that hospital management and administration has become a priority and importance for healthcare industry and providing health and hygiene care in India. The government of India is paying attention on providing healthcare in both rural and urban areas by improving the management of the hospitals. It further adds that hospitals are expected to deliver quality service 24 hours a day at a minimal cost. The urgent nature of its work and the level of efficiency that is expected have increased the need of well-formulated hospital management system throughout the world (India Education, 2011). It shows that India has seriously taken the hospital management stream to upgrade the quality of the service delivery of the hospitals in India. These literatures presented above describe the concept of h ospital management. 2.2 Benefit of Hospital Management Worlds renowned management Guru Peter Drucker developed the concept of Management by Objective (MBO) in 1954. He has defined MBO as a systematic and organised approach that allows management to focus on achievable goals and to attain the best possible results from available resources. He has further said that the strong management system of the organization increases its performance by aligning the goals and subordinate objectives through out the organization. He adds that the employee get strong input to identify their objectives and timeline for completion. He has described the benefits of management to have supporting in setting objectives, organising groups, motivating and communication, measuring performance and developing people ( Peter Drucker,1954). NHS has defined its hospitals as organizations where high qualities of health care services are delivered to the clients (NHS, 2011). So, all the theories of the organization may be applied in hospitals and the importance of the hospitals may be assumed based on the benefits of a good management system as described Drucker. So, it has become obvious that to achieve the goals of the nation, the hospital management sector should be regarded as an important discipline in the context of Nepal as well. Limitations of Hospital Management Management is not a solution, but only the means of the solution which organises the resources in a proper way. For the effective management, every surrounding factor should be appropriate. Verzuh (2001) has identified five sectors that are required for effective management. They are good agreement between service providers and clients, an effective and realistic plan, constant and effective communication, a controlled scope and upper management support (Verzuh, 2001). Hospital as an organization can not provide its best services if the factors mentioned above are not available. In Nepalese context, the hospital management can not take the hospitals in the position to achieve its goals until there is an effective service giving and taking culture, until the planning body is capable enough, until the inter and intra organizational communication is strongly developed and there is a political commitment to prove upper support toward the bottom. So, these are the limitations of the hospi tal management. Barriers of Hospital Management in Nepal Nepals literacy rate is low, the national income and per capita income is also low. The difficult geographical situation is not also favourable for rapid development in Nepal. The socio-economic development is far behind as compared with other developed and even with developing countries (Dixit, 2005). As mentioned above, financial strength, political commitment, social culture and context need to be favourable for the good management of every development sector and the hospital is not an exception. The people can not consume the facilities well if they are not aware about the facilities they have been provided with (Thapa, 2010). But hospitals are managed by the Department of Health Services under the Ministry of Health Population and the, So, for the hospital management, this context has become a barrier. Hospital management practice in different countries i.e. Nepal, USA, UK, India, Japan and Thailand Hospital management is a new discipline. In Nepal, the Pokhara University strated Hospital Management course in 2001 only. Then it has put a milestone in the way of hospital management. Then some private hospitals have started to recruit hospital managers due to its influence and the government is in the way to start thinking on the need of separate hospital management stream under the health service (NOC, 2011). In USA, the hospitals are governed by the United States Department of Health. Its history goes to 1798 from when USA has started on managed health service (USDHHS, 2001). UK established National Health Service ((NHS) in 1948 from which it has been running the hospitals. All together, 12000 doctors are working in its hospitals all over the UK (NHS, 2011). Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is responsible for hospital management in India. It has Department of Health and National Rural Health Mission for managing the hospitals (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, 2011). Likewise, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare looks health activities in Japan. It has Health Policy Bureau under the ministry and it looks after the hospitals and it has prepared a policy to manage the hospitals properly (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 2011). In Thailand, Ministry of Public Health looks after the hospital management. Under the ministry, there is Department of Health and under th is, there are 9n divisions. They are supporting the hospitals for their management in an integrated way (Department of Health of Thailand, 2011) 2.6 Previous empirical research findings on challenges in hospital management The Hospital; of St Raphael in UK has written in its website about the challenges it suffering in terms of the management. It says that the demand is growing and the challenge is increasing. Patient satisfaction concerns, hospital management demand, smart mind and smart technologies to keep healthcare system smoothly are the challenges seen in the present context. Likewise, recruiting hospital management and their turnover are other challenges (St Raphael Hospital, 2011). In Nepal context, There are no special resources are found either in published copies or in the websites. The National Open College has written about the importance of the Hospital Management course which is like an advertorial (NOC, 2011). But it does not speak about the challenges of the hospital management. So, relevant literatures are not enough as per the topic. Discussion and Conclusion After studying the literature and analysing the present hospital management system in Nepal, the points come into mind to be discussed:- The Government of Nepal has still not considered the hospital management as a separate sector. There is a lack of Hospital management professionals. There is no proper policy addressing hospital, management issues in Nepal. Hospital management sector has not been regarded as an integrated issue so far. Public and private sector are also not actively participating for the professionalization of hospital management human resources. In conclusion, we can say that hospital management is a new discipline. The developed countries like UK have already started to think on the management issues of hospitals as a separate sector. But in Nepal, the hospital management sector is not visible separately and it has not been regarded as a separate need or requirement. The hospital has not felt the need of hospital managers to manage the hospital smoothly. Lack of awareness, culture and customs low literacy rate, low income and difficult geographical situation are the factors which are hindering the hospital management sector to grow and become strong. Methodology 3.1 Instrument The study was carried out by using systemic literature review method. The literatures were searched in the website of the Universities of UK i.e. Bournemouth. The Medical Journal of America and USA were searched. The government policies of NEPAL, India, USA, Japan, Thailand and UK were other sources. The documents were collected, materials were searched and the materials retrieved were analysed before applying them in this search. The WHO website and other journals were considered as most reliable sources. Library use was the mostly used mean for search and writing the paper. This study will apply qualitative methodology to find the hindering factors of hospital management in Nepal where face to face interviews will be arranged during this study. 4 Conclusions The hospital management is a new term which is derived from the separate words hospital and management. Hospital is a mean of healthcare delivery while management is a way to utilize the resource in an efficient way. The hospital management is not very old concept in even in the developed countries while the countries while Nepal is very far behind in the development of this sector. Lack of professionalization of the existing human resources, less availability of skilled human resources, poor socio-economic situation, low interest of government towards the hospital are the hindering factors for the development of hospital management in Nepal. These all information was collected through literature review available in the library and websites developed by the governments, universities and academic institutions. It recommends the government of Nepal to recognise the hospital management as a separate and independent discipline under the health service. It suggests the academic institutions to focus on the development of hospital management professionals in their course and curriculum. It also suggests the private sector involved in running private hospitals in Nepal to start hospital management principles in their management.
Monday, January 20, 2020
A Feminist Rhetorical Tradition of Women Fighting For Their Right to Sp
The country is crying out for liberty and equality. Every man and woman has the right to express his/her opinions,â⬠echoes Mariah S. Stewart, the first African-American female to speak amongst a mixed race and gender crowd. Since the very moment men dictated women to act as children, seen and not heard, fervent female voices refused the patriarchal oppression aimed at quelling the efforts of their female genderââ¬â¢s. With a social order firmly placed in position and accepted in large by those in political and social power, women activists continued to work towards impeding the subjection, which denounced them as the weaker, unintellectual, unspiritual, less virtuous and inarticulate sex. While some of these women used the power of Christianity as a vehicle to assert their concerns of womenââ¬â¢s lack of freedom, they simultaneously chastised men for condemning their gender as less righteous, which was essentially against Godââ¬â¢s order. The prevalence of womenââ¬â ¢s activist roots contextualizes women in a cultural manifestation of societal change. By tracing a synopsis of some of the key figures in the anti-slavery agenda, womanââ¬â¢s war on race and sexism, womanââ¬â¢s fight for equality in religiosity and ministerial vocation, and more exclusively, the womenââ¬â¢s rights movement, we can identify in a historical tradition of rhetoric the preeminence of the female voice and her passionate declaration for individual rights to freedom and happiness Recognized as a contemporary, as well as contributor, to the leading philosophers, Plato, Socrates, Xenophon and Aristophanes of the Common Era, historians regard Aspasia of Miletus as a key figure in political and rhetorical theory. In Cheryl Glennââ¬â¢s essay, ââ¬Å"Sex, Lies and Manuscript: Refiguring Aspasia in the... ...ignificant to the womenââ¬â¢s movement, but also to contemporary scholarship where womenââ¬â¢s voices are often marginalized and silenced over their male counterparts. Challenging the ââ¬Å"contemporary academic and cultural sceneâ⬠forces women to regain their place in western rhetorical history while also urging women to be aware of the importance in writing themselves into history (Glenn 181). Willard speaks of the action women must take in order to persevere over female hardship; she states, ââ¬Å"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.â⬠With these words, it is important to consider that change is not met by stagnation of a voice, but instead it is initiated by passionate women who within their voices can reach a majority of opposing listeners fearlessly and demand with great articulation that change must persist.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Criminology Theories-Differential Association and Strain Theory Essay
Abstract à à à à à à à à à à à In criminology, theories play an important role especially in understanding the settings, motivations, assets, behaviors and actions of criminals. These theories serve as their guidelines in order to detect and sometimes read the plans of their enemies. Unfortunately, these theories are not one hundred percent accurate, however, learning these aspects are still essential. Differential Association and Strain Theories are most commonly used in the field of criminology. These theories aim to explain the totality and the instinctive or social development of criminal ideation in a person. The theories mentioned are extremely necessary for authorities to understand and to be familiar with. Criminal Theories ââ¬â Differential Association Theory vs. Strain Theory à à à à à à à à à à à Theories in criminology tend to be unclear and lacking in justifiable broadness. The lack of clarity can sometimes end up in apparent inconsistencies, although more attention to the structure of a scientific theory and its requirements might reveal more agreement among theorists than now recognized. In fact, rarely do available theories offer guidance that does not require heroic leaps of conjecture. Practicality is not a requirement of a valid theory since theories might be void but still of use. However, condition for a theory to be considered certifiable is none other than practicality. Criminology is the scientific study of crime; hence, theories need to have adequate basis in order to prove true and be considered useful. Another denotation of the term Criminology is the study of law making, law breaking and the response to law breaking. This definition of criminology is also a useful way to categorize the theories. Theories of law breaking are the most common and essential in the field of Criminology. The questions that usually come out is ââ¬Å"why do people commit crime?â⬠or ââ¬Å"What makes countries more prone to crime than other?â⬠These theories serve as the guide of practice and a protocol to assist the implementation of law and reading of crimes (Vito, Maahs & Holmes, 2007 p.14). à à à à à à à à à à à The research paper aims to describe specific theories and analyze its over-all concept as well as comparisons. The main theories highlighted in this paper are Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory. These theories are explained and scrutinized in order to obtain various points of essentials and utilize it in order to come up with a critical analysis of the said theories. The following are questions that are considered objectives of this research work. What are the theories of Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory? Discuss the concepts embedded in each theory and obtain the important data present. What are the comparisons and differentiations of the following theories? What are the important points to be noted in each theory? The research study does not deal with any under topics except for these theories. By the end of the paper, a conclusion regarding the over-all study is present. Differential Association Theory à à à à à à à à à à à The Differential Theory has been brought by Edwin Sutherland, and this has been considered as one of the best constitutions in the field of criminology. The evolution of criminology and formation of this theory have started because of this manââ¬â¢s desire to have a new direction in the field of criminology. He has rejected the biological determinism and the extreme individualism of psychiatry, as well as economic explanations of crime. The need for money or resources is never a motivating factor for a person to commit a crime. Due to this curious out-searching, he has arrived in the theory of Differential Association Theory. Another term for this theory is the ââ¬Å"Social Learning Theoryâ⬠, wherein psycho-cognitive and analytic observations are implemented. Different association proposes that criminal associations and normative conflict vary across community types; hence, this variation is linked in the rationale for varying crime rates (Hoffman 2003). à à à à à à à à à à à The concept of this theory states that delinquency is learned just as all other forms of behavior are learned. It implies that Different Association Theories are those associated in various factors such as changing community, the individual itself, the environment and family upbringing. These are the things that influence the personââ¬â¢s behavioral concept, and if not guided properly, criminal acts may be produced. Sutherland (1947) proposed that crime and delinquency are learned in small-group contexts through the acquisition of a preponderance of messages defining law-violating behavior as acceptable or appropriate. (Dennis & Neff, 2007) Moreover, this theory emphasizes on the genetic origins of criminal behavior, thus implying biological initiatives in crime control. In contrast to both classical and biological theories, Differential Association Theory poses no obvious threats to the humane treatment of those identified as criminals (Hoffman 2003). The conditions of this theory also suggests that the more frequent, intense, salient, and enduring a youthââ¬â¢s exposure to prodelinquency definitions, the more likely they will be to adopt these definitions and to use them to rationalize or justify engaging in delinquent behavior. Delinquency stems from a positive identification with law-violating behavior learned in interaction within primary groups, which is an exact opposite of strain-induced negative emotions (Dennis & Neff, 2007). Testing Theory Validity According to the journal of Van Gundy and Rebellon (2006), differential association theory can be used in tracing out the behavior of crime acts in an individual. A test has been conducted in teenagers who are into use of Marijuana. Specifically, among respondents who reported using other illicit drugs in 1980, only 2.8% simultaneously reported that they had abstained from the use of marijuana in the same year. The researchers gathered these individuals and they obtain an interview as well as drug sample from this group of people. The focus is too asses the origins of criminal behavior guided by the conditions of marijuana usage. According to the respondents who have been reported using drugs other than marijuana, the presence of moral attachments, commitments or involvements are either fragile, low or absent. It has been noted that these individuals have higher association with substance-using peers than do those who report abstaining from such drugs. These results suggest that variables derived from existing delinquency theory are capable of explaining about fifty percent of the relationship between prior marijuana use and other illicit drug use. In terms of differential association, the results obtained from the two controlled groups lies differently. The presence of reinforcement agents (peers, drug-using community, etc) and negative events are also being examined if these factors can directly affect the said behavior. It has been noted that the individuals who have been using other drugs aside from marijuana have intense negative feelings towards family, difficulties and other personal areas of their lives. On the other hand, the other group also manifests negative feelings; however, the difference is the degree and coping towards these causations. In the end of their experiment, the criminal behavior that develops in a person is not brought by economical needs or the problems itself but with the environment present around the client. Strain Theory Strain theory is another proposed subject in this argument. The theory of Strain suggests that a key motivational factor in delinquency and misconduct is strain, which is some perceived or actual state of discomfort. The strain of pursuing goals within diverse opportunity structures may lead to adaptations such as crime, delinquency, and other deviant behavior (Hoffman 2003). One example in this statement shows when a teenager desires for money, since the things that money can buyââ¬ânice clothes, CDs, movies, and so onââ¬âand the lack of money causes inability to obtain such wants. This event now produces strain in the part of the teenager. This strain in turn leads to attempts to resolve the problem through theft (a direct attempt to resolve financial insolvency) or alcohol and drug use (an indirect attempt to deal with the shame of insolvency). Either way, the theory of strain works by the induction of psychological strain itself (Apel et. Al 2003).à Another definition provided by Dennis and Neff (2007) supports the claims of Apel (2003). General strain theory (GST) suggests that delinquency results from a youthââ¬â¢s emotional response to negative relationships with others. The negative relationships embody situations in which a youth fails to obtain a valued goal, loses something of value, or is presented with some type of noxious or aversive stimuli. Thus, a juvenile who is failing in school, or who loses contact with a parent due to abandonment or death, or who experiences some type of victimization can be said to be experiencing strain. The emotion of anger or frustration resulting from the experience of strain, rather than the strain itself, leads the youth to engage in law-violating behavior. The main point in this statement is the occurrence of strain is not directly the valued point of origin in the case of Stain theory. The reason behind is the power of a person to control or manipulate the situation is still present; however, if in case the person breaks down because of this strain experience, that is the time wherein a person manifests valiant and law-breaking actions (Siegel, 2004 p.71). Moreover, different types of delinquency or crime results from different forms of adaptation to anomie-induced strain. Property crimes, such as theft, represented innovative adaptations. Using alcohol and other drugs, on the other hand, could be thought of as a retreatist mode of adaptation; i.e., behavior that not only symbolically rejects the institutionalized means to achieve a positive goal, but also rejects the goal itself (Dennis & Joan, 2007). Strain comes from various origins depending on the case situation of an individual. Not every case of a person entitles him in a single strain response but rather, multi-evident causations. Using alcohol and drugs, for example, can be considered forms of ââ¬Å"self-medication,â⬠which may provide a sense of relief. Often than not, financially or resource depressed societies are more likely to be populated by ââ¬Å"strainedâ⬠individuals. In this case, these communities suffer from more blocked opportunity structures. Hence these communities tend to create an atmosphere conducive to anger and frustration, key antecedents to delinquent behavior. Such kind of community breeds crime, as according to the theory, and acts of wrongdoing. Differential Association Theory vs. Strain Theory Differential theory by definition stated above originates from the intrinsic characteristic of a person, influenced by the individualââ¬â¢s environment and molding assists. The criminal behavior is primarily because of influence of those individuals who are also linked in the same act of criminal acts. A person learns to commit crimes little by little until a person commits it without any hesitation. The psychosocial environment greatly suggests such conditioners as the primary causation of crimes. The raise of crime rates are because of the instilled negative thoughts, inappropriate guidance and lack of attachments, commitments or relationships. On the other hand, Strain theory talks about the causation of crimes not directly because of strain but due to failure in tolerating these kinds of stimuli. They are both result of negative impregnation of environmental pressures that in the end leads the client vulnerable to breakdown. The theory suggests that a person performs acts of delinquency not because of attachments or relationships but rather because of the pressuring strain. The crime rates, according to this theory, justify the increased criminal persona in places wherein financial depression or extreme difficulties are present. The last resort of the individuals is nothing but to commit crimes. In an example given, a person is ready to kill just to get the material possession that the person wants to acquire. We can determine some connections between the two since both of them are etiological conceptualizations of criminal behavior. In the case wherein, a depressed community is surrounding a person, significantly full of drug addicts and negative and influencers, a person still strives to obtain moral life. Let us say that this person has a good job as well as good family relationships. The strain in his job is greatly pressuring his everyday living. Fortunately, the person can still withstand such condition. However, because of the influence brought by the environment, such as the personââ¬â¢s peers, he begins declining his work productivity. Given a situation wherein his brothers are hospitalized and he just got fired from work, he badly needs money. In this case, the person breaks down and resort to theft. The situation calls forth occurrence of the two theories in simultaneous condition. The surrounding environment of the client influences the breeding of negative emotions, which cause the person to have fragile stand in his principles. The strain theory becomes evident when the strain of loosing a job and need for money enters in. In the end of the discussion, the person commits the crime based on influential factors as well as straining. Conclusion In conclusion, of this paper, the answer to the proposed questions in the introduction is properly addressed in the body of the research paper. The significance of such theory in criminology is the substantial or even estimated estimate analysis of the personââ¬â¢s criminal behavior origin. In such cases, the authorities require to learn such principles because this can help understand the motives, intentions and plans of the whole crime actions as well as the criminal itself. However, we should not be limited in these two theories alone since, human beings vary the same as their intentions and modes of focus. These theories are not applicable in other cases, therefore the best thing to do is to understand the whole concept of theory and at the same time train the assessment skills in order to avoid theoretical falsehood. References Apel, R., Brame, R., & Bushway , S. (2003, September 1). The effect of teenage employment on delinquency and problem behaviors. 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Friday, January 3, 2020
Social Justice and Civil Equality Martin Luther King and...
Social Justice and Civil Equality In the pursuit of social justice and civil rights, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Stokely Carmichael, sought to amend a flawed system. To accomplish this task, these men entered the armory and chose to wield nonviolence as their weapon. Their goal: to combat violence with nonviolence, to fight hate with love, and to spread equality through peace. In the end they succeeded. Violence breeds violence, hate breeds hate, it is an ineffective approach and an archaic mean to resolving societies issues. Malcolm X and Carmichael were both extreme individuals but that does not make them violent. They attacked social justice and civil rights passionately and assertively, not violently. The methods usedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By stating the African American communities ââ¬Å"impatienceâ⬠as legitimate and unavoidable King pressures those reading to become immediately and directly concerned with issues of social justice and civil rights. King then states, ââ¬Å"My friends, I must say to you that we have not made a single gain in civil rights without determined legal and nonviolent pressure.â⬠Again there is a forcefulness with which the words are read. The phrase ââ¬Å"determined legal and nonviolent pressure,â⬠stands out. Grammatically, ââ¬Å"determined,â⬠ââ¬Å"legal,â⬠and ââ¬Å"nonviolentâ⬠are adjectives that apply to ââ¬Å"pressureâ⬠. All three of those words are synonymous with nonviolence. I believe King wanted ââ¬Å"determinedâ⬠to give hope to his followers. He wants them to be ââ¬Å"determinedâ⬠in their nonviolent push for equality. ââ¬Å"Legalâ⬠and ââ¬Å"nonviolentâ⬠go hand in hand here. Any violent action is most assuredly illegal. By coupling violence with illegality, King is able to press upon his followers that, to remain within the laws of the United States, their quest for civil equality must be a nonviolent one. King uses these words to show how nonviolence is the â⬠Å"legalâ⬠or correct method, not violence, to use when approaching civil rights. ââ¬Å"Pressureâ⬠isnââ¬â¢t force, pressuring someone does not ensure the deed will be done. Pressure allows for other options but pushes the one being ââ¬Å"pressuredâ⬠into a corner. That is King wants. He wants to corner white America, smother them with nonviolent direct action soShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Essay805 Words à |à 4 PagesDuring the 1960ââ¬â¢s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X represented two sides of the Civil Rights Movement. Speaking to all of humanity, Dr. King made these famous peaceful words, ââ¬Å"I have a dream, a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ââ¬Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equalâ⬠(King, 1963, para 10). 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